- Overview
- Who To Contact
- Recent Developments
The Condominium Group at Aird & Berlis LLP acts for some of the largest condominium developers in the GTA. Our depth of experience gives us the expertise, industry knowledge and perspective necessary to provide our clients with high quality, efficient and cost-effective legal advice on a variety of issues affecting those in the condominium industry.
Condominium Development
We provide expertise and assistance to developers on site acquisition, joint venture structure, vendor/builder licensing with the Home Construction Regulatory Authority, Tarion warranty administration, condominium disclosure and sale documentation, deposit administration, construction and deposit surety financing, condominium registration, completion of occupancy and final closings, and turnover to the unit owner elected board of directors. Post-turnover, we also provide our developer clients with advice on dealing with their continuing Condominium Act and warranty obligations to unit owners and the condominium corporation.
Who We Help
We represent both developers and owners on all issues affecting those in the condominium industry. We also serve municipalities and government agencies in their development of policies, precedents and procedures for condominium development.
BioFull bio
Andrew is one of Toronto’s go-to lawyers for complex, multi-phase high-rise residential developments.
BioFull bio
Tammy delivers a solid, practical, and business-oriented legal foundation for her clients through all stages of land development and construction.
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Leonard is a pragmatic real estate practitioner who provides business-focused solutions to large real estate developers across Canada.
Group Members
Recent Developments
Ontario Files New Regulation Under Condominium Act, 1998, Affecting Developer Interest Rates
The Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery recently filed Ontario Regulation 504/22 under the Condominium Act, 1998, revoking Ontario Regulation 450/22, which would have increased the rate o... -
Condominium Development in Ontario: Legislative Updates, Best Practices and Market Trends
- 11:15 AMGain insight into condominium development in the current marketplace and what to expect in the future. -
HCRA Notice Re: Mandatory Inclusion of Amended Condominium Information Sheet and Licence Application Forms
The Home Construction Regulatory Authority, the provincial administrative authority responsible for licensing all new residential construction builders and vendors, has updated its Directive from Febr... -
Ontario Court of Appeal: A Debtor’s Assurances May Postpone the ‘Discovery’ of a Claim
In its recent decision, Thermal Exchange Service Inc. v. Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 1289, 2022 ONCA 186, (“Thermal Exchange Services”) the Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that, und... -
Leave to SCC Denied in Enforcement of Exculpatory Clause Over Cancelled Condominium Development
On January 20, 2022, the Supreme Court of Canada denied leave to appeal from the dismissal of a proposed class action seeking $40 million in damages over a cancelled condominium development. -
Court of Appeal Upholds Dismissal of Condominium Class Action Based on a Limitation of Liability Clause
This is an update to our July 3, 2020 bulletin summarizing Justice Perell’s decision in Ritchie et al. v. Castlepoint Greybrook Sterling Inc., 2020 ONSC 3840. -
What’s New at Tarion Commencing February 1, 2021
There are a number of changes to Tarion’s structure, processes and documentation commencing 2021 that require the attention of developers. This alert will summarize some of those items effective Febru... -
New Obligation for Condominium Developers Coming Into Force on January 1, 2021
Upcoming changes to the Condominium Act, 1998 will come into force on January 1, 2021 that will add an additional document which must be delivered by developers to purchasers of condominium units. -
Court Enforces Exculpatory Clause Dismissing Condominium Class Action
Over the last several years, we have seen the cancellation of several significant condominium developments. In response, for projects going to market after January 1, 2020, Tarion now requires that ag...