Lawrence Veregin

Associate Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 2019

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  • Registered Trademark Agent (Canada)
  • Bio
  • Professional Involvement
  • Selected Publications
  • Insights
  • Education

Lawrence’s technical background gives him significant insight and practical experience when advising clients on intellectual property matters. He enjoys developing solutions to complex problems and is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcome for his clients and their businesses. 

Lawrence is a member of the firm’s Intellectual Property Group. He is a registered Canadian trademark agent. Lawrence's practice focuses on copyright law, including copyright enforcement of movies and stock photos. He also works on patent matters related to technology.

Professional Involvement


  • Canadian Bar Association
  • Ontario Bar Association

Selected Publications

Co-Author, "U.S. Supreme Court Refuses Trademark for ‘Trump Too Small’," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, August 19, 2024.

Author, "Federal Court Allows Sharing Access to Copyrighted Services," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, June 7, 2024.

Co-Author, "Too Byosimilar? Federal Court Finds Trademark for BYOOVIZ Infringes BEOVU," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, February 6, 2024.

Co-Author, "Abuse of Process: Federal Court of Appeal Clarifies Application in PM(NOC) Proceedings," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, January 10, 2024.

Co-Author, "Canadian Federal Court of Appeal Maintains Finding of Confusion, Despite Co-Existence Agreement," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, December 8, 2023.

Co-Author, "Transportation Companies Beware: Shipping to Counterfeiters With Notice Could Result in Criminal Sanctions," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, October 11, 2023.

Co-Author, "Tech Lending: What Are IP Assets?," Aird & Berlis LLP Financial Services Flash, February 9, 2023.

Co-Author, "Federal Court Expunges Licensee’s Trademark Registrations for Bad Faith," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, January 17, 2023.

Author, "Federal Court Denies Equitable Relief for Failure to Diligently Prosecute a Patent," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, November 16, 2022.

Co-Author, "Supreme Court of Canada Recognizes ‘Making Available’ Right," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, July 22, 2022.

Co-Author, "Ghost in the Well: Court Expunges Registration of a Competitor’s Trademark," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, April 13, 2022.

Author, "Your Song Was Handmade For Somebody Like Me: Court Clears Ed Sheeran of Copyright Infringement in Shape of You," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, April 7, 2022.

Author, "A Mermaid Has No Tears — Danish Court Rules Zombie Cartoon and Face-Masked Photo Infringe Copyright in The Little Mermaid Statue," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, February 17, 2022.

Co-Author, "Whose Liability Is It Anyway? The Court Clarifies the Burden in Summary Trials and Infers Inducement," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, January 31, 2022.

Co-Author, "The Markman and the Grandfather: Federal Court Determines Claim Construction by Partial Summary Judgment and Interprets the Prior Use Defence," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, January 24, 2022.

Co-Author, "Miramax Sues Quentin Tarantino to Stop Sale of Pulp Fiction NFTs," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, December 15, 2021.

Co-Author, "Federal Court of Appeal Affirms Use of Reverse Class Actions For Copyright Infringement Claims," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, October 15, 2021.

Author, "Stacked Deck — A Claim For Copyright in a Magic: The Gathering Deck," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, August 25, 2021.

Co-Author, "The Beginning of the End of Online Piracy in Canada?" Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, June 7, 2021.

Author, "Planet of the APIs: U.S. Supreme Court Rules Google’s Use of Java APIs in Android Is Fair Use," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, April 8, 2021.

Co-Author, "The Swiss Shield: A Trademark Registration Is a Defence to Damages Even if Later Invalidated," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, December 14, 2020.

Co-Author, "The Federal Court of Appeal Upholds $640 Million Accounting of Profits Award for Patent Infringement," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, September 22, 2020.

Author, "Dark Horse Comes in Just at the Wire! A Music Copyright Analysis," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, April 9, 2020.

Co-Author, "Retrograde in Taurus: Ninth Circuit Upholds Judgment That Stairway to Heaven Did Not Infringe Taurus," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, April 7, 2020.

Co-Author, "The Supreme Court of Canada’s Clarifies Standard of Review for Trademark Appeals," Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, February 28, 2020.


  • JD, University of Toronto, 2018
  • BMath (with Distinction - Dean's Honours List), University of Waterloo, 2015
  • BBA (with High Distinction), Wilfrid Laurier University, 2015