Stephanie D’Amico

Associate Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 2020

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Stephanie is a member of the firm’s Tax Group. She is developing a broad practice that encompasses advocacy and advisory support for clients involved in tax disputes, including proceedings under the Income Tax Act, the Excise Tax Act, the Employer Health Tax Act, the Land Transfer Tax Act and other provincial taxation regimes.

Stephanie understands how tax considerations drive decisions in business and personal finance. Prior experience as a manager in the non-profit sector has made her an effective negotiator with a commitment to exceptional client service.

Stephanie joined Aird & Berlis as an associate after summering and articling with the firm.

Click here to learn more about Stephanie.

Selected Speaking Engagements

"All About Audits," Wolters Kluwer Webinar, September 8, 2022.

“A Tale of Two Taxes: Lessons from Post-War Luxury Tax Regimes Applied to B.C. Luxury Tax,” Innovation in Law and Policy, Interdisciplinary Legal Studies Graduate Conference; University of British Colombia, Vancouver, BC, 2019.

Selected Publications

"Tax Court Declines to Apply GAAR to Non-CCPC Plan," Aird & Berlis Tax News Flash, May 15, 2024.

"Employees Without Borders: 'Permanent Establishment' in the Era of Remote Work," Tax Profile (Wolters Kluwer), April 2023.

"Equitable Remedies in the Tax Context After Collins Family Trust," Co-Author with Christopher Slade, Tax Profile (Wolters Kluwer), August 2022. 

“Old MacDonald Does More Harm - TCC Questions the Scope of Section 84(2) in Robillard Estate," Co-Author with Edward Miller, Taxes & Wealth Management, Carswell, March 2022.

“Now It’s Personal: Director Liability and the Due Diligence Defence Under the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act," Tax Profile (Wolters Kluwer), August 2021. 

“Geolocation and the Fight against COVID-19: Could the Emergencies Act Overrule Privacy Law Protections for Cellphone Location Data?” Co-Author with Paige Backman, Aird & Berlis LLP The Spotlight, March 27, 2020 and Canadian Privacy Law Review, June 2020.

“International Tax Landscape Evolves as the MLI Comes into Force in Canada,” Co-Author with Saam Nainifard, Tax Profile (Wolters Kluwer), January 2020.


  • JD, University of Toronto, 2019
  • MA, Concordia University, 2011
  • BFA, York University, 2009