Ari Blicker

Director, Student & Associate Programs Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 1997

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  • Bio
  • Professional Involvement
  • Education

Ari is the firm's Director of Student & Associate Programs. He is responsible for all aspects of the firm’s student program, including the recruitment, supervision and professional development of summer and articling students, and liaising with law schools. Ari also oversees the firm’s associate program, including career development, performance reviews, mentoring, coaching, compensation, partnership admission and lateral recruitment. Ari is a former Vice-Chair of the firm’s Diversity & Inclusion Committee and a member of the firm’s Student Recruitment Committee and Associates Committee.

Before joining Aird & Berlis LLP in 2009, Ari was the Director of Student Programs at the Toronto office of a national law firm. Prior to that, he practised corporate commercial law at another major Bay Street firm from 1997 to 2002 and in-house at IBM from 2002 to 2007.


Professional Involvement


  • National Association for Law Placement
  • Ontario Bar Association
  • Canadian Bar Association


  • LLB, University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, 1995
  • BA, McGill University, 1992