External Speakers:
The Honourable Avvy Yao-Yao Go - Justice of the Federal Court
Dr. Angie Wong - Adjunct Professor, Lakehead University Indigenous Learning Department
Join us for a virtual lecture in recognition of Asian Heritage Month with Avvy Go, Chinese and Southeast Asian Legal Clinic Director, and Angie Wong, Adjunct Professor of the Indigenous Learning Department at Lakehead University. Putting present-day anti-Asian prejudice into context requires an in-depth examination of the history of discrimination met by Canadians of Asian descent. Learn from our esteemed speakers as they present on the historic legislative and judicial discrimination faced by Asian-Canadians and how the impact of this discrimination continues to be felt today. Understand the relevance of the Chinese head tax and subsequent Chinese exclusion under the Chinese Immigration Act, Japanese-Canadian internment during WWII, and other discriminatory laws and policies that challenged Asian immigrants from various Asian countries. Gain insight into recent civil litigation being brought to the courts by Asian-Canadians, and the ongoing advocacy for policies that reduce discrimination against Asian-Canadians. Also, our panellists will discuss how the legal sector can set a precedent for inclusion by working collaboratively with the Asian-Canadian community. |
Topics include: - Historical overview of Asian discrimination in Canadian legislative policies
- Impact of past immigration policies on present day
- Update on more recent litigation and policy advocacy involving the Asian-Canadian community
- Best practices for non-Asian lawyers to set a precedent of allyship with Asian-Canadian lawyers and clients
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