Renee Van

Associate Admitted to the Ontario Bar: 2020

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  • Bio
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Professional Involvement
  • Selected Publications
  • Education

Renee thrives on the challenging and technical nature of tax law. She combines a strong analytical mindset with excellent problem-solving skills to provide clients with outstanding legal advice.

Renee is a member of the firm’s Tax Group. She advises private and public corporations as well as high net worth individuals and families on all areas of tax planning.

Renee is currently enrolled in Part II of the CPA In-Depth Tax Course.

Awards & Recognition

  • Recognized in Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Canada in the field of Tax Law

Professional Involvement


  • Canadian Tax Foundation
  • Law Society of Ontario

Selected Publications

Author, "Dow Chemical: Jurisdictional Boundaries of the Tax Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Canada," Tax Profile, August 2024.

Co-Author, "Microbjo and the Factual Non-Arm’s Length Test," Tax Profile, November 2023.

Author, "Foix and Subsection 84(2)," Tax Profile, August 2023.

Co-Author, "Substantive CCPCS and the Refundable Tax Regime," Tax Profile, November 2022.


  • JD, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2019
  • B.Sc., Chemistry, McGill University, 2015