Quinn Hartwig

Summer Student

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  • Bio
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Quinn recently completed his second year at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from McGill University where he majored in Sociology, minored in Communication Studies and graduated with Distinction. Prior to law school, Quinn worked for six summers at celebrity chef Susur Lee’s acclaimed Lee Restaurant. Quinn started as a food-runner (and the restaurant’s youngest employee) and worked his way up to the role of senior server. Quinn led a team of 10-12 staff members and oversaw the training of all new staff. During law school, Quinn served as a mentor to first year students and as an executive of the In Vino Veritas wine club. He also participated in a mock tort trial, mock hockey arbitration and the Upper Year Moot. Last summer, Quinn worked as a research assistant in the field of copyright law. In this role, he prepared a report (based on Canadian precedent) designed to protect religious organizations from copyright infringement claims when using music during public events. Beyond his work and studies, Quinn is extremely passionate about watching and playing sports (including hockey, baseball and tennis). Quinn also enjoys spending time with his 14-year-old Chug (Chihuahua and Pug mix) Lola, as well as going to concerts and trying new restaurants. 

Selected Publications