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Join Us for a Patent Seminar on Oct. 21

In an economic climate where startups now have the ability and resources to create a business with a modest amount of seed capital, the "Lean StartUp" has truly arrived. But remember that being lean doesn't have to mean being without defensible brands and intellectual property, often integral to the value of a startup and invaluable to achieving early success and attention. For startups that base their business plans and valuations on their innovation, patents and industrial designs can be particularly valuable assets for the company to acquire. One of the best strategies to secure protection for your innovation, while keeping costs to a minimum, could be to file a self-written provisional patent application. From 5 - 8 p.m. on October 21, Aird & Berlis LLP will be hosting a hands on, informal session where founders can learn the basics of patents from PCK industry-leading patent professionals. Click here for more details.  Email us at if you would like to attend!