Please note: Allow the form to load completely before inputting your information. You will know that it has completely loaded when the fields collapse. This may take up to a minute. If a pop-up appears, please click 'Wait' or a similar option and do not exit the page.

Unitholder Information

Please complete as many fields as you can to the best of your ability, and in accordance with the registered Units.

* Required field

Registered Address (Street Name and No.) *

Unit No. if applicable

City *

Province/State *

Country *

Phone No. *

Select all funds you hold Units in:

Class of Units (if known): BIF

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund BIF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request BIF*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date BIF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) BIF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units BIF*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas

Class of Units (if known): RSP

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request RSP*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units RSP*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): MMF

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund MMF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request MMF*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date MMF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) MMF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units MMF*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): MMF RSP

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund MMF RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request MMF RSP*

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date MMF RSP

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) MMF RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units MMF RSP*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): BPDI

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund BPDI
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request BPDI*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date BPDI
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) BPDI
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units BPDI*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): BPDI RSP

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund BPDI RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request BPDI RSP*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date BDPI RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) BDPI RSP
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units BPDI RSP*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): BIIF

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund BIIF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request BIIF*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) BIIF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date BIIF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units BIIF*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): FERN

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund FERN
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request FERN*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date FERN
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) FERN
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units FERN*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): SMA1

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund SMA1
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request SMA1*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date SMA1
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) SMA1
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units SMA1*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): SMA2

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund SMA2
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request SMA2*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date SMA2
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) SMA2
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units SMA2*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): BINF

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund BINF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request BINF*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date BINF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) BINF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units BINF*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Class of Units (if known): BRLF

Date of Purchase of Units in this Fund BRLF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Eligible Redemption Request BRLF*
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Contract Date or Valuation Date BRLF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Date of Confirmation Notice (if any) BRLF
Please input with / between each value e.g. 19/05/2022

Approximate Value of Units BRLF*
(in Canadian Dollars, no commas)

Representative Information

Please complete the information below to the best of your ability:

Do you have a representative? *

Name of Representative

Representative's Email

Representative's Phone No.

Representative's Address (Street Name and No.)

Representative's Address (Unit No.)

Representative's City

Representative's Province/State

Representative's Country
